How to take portrait photos well?

Portrait photos - many of them completely differ from the photographer's expectations. Why? Because the photographer focuses on everything but the most important. The person in front of the camera is the most important. Consider. You have the best technical equipment in the world and you have a person in front of you who refuses to pose. Or you take photos with a weak mobile phone, but the person in the picture is bursting with energy, charm, euphoria or satisfaction. Even the best technical photo will not stand the test of time if it does not have the right emotions. And emotions are human. Regardless of who he is: family member, friend, stranger.

These are the most common mistakes in the photographer-equipment-portrayed relationship. Eliminate mistakes and you will reach a higher level.

Bad preparation. You don't know what the portrayed person expects. If the photographed person expects a simple, minimalistic photo against the background of a historic building, do not make them perform embarrassing poses, jumps, unfamiliar positions, or use a language they do not understand. She will become nervous and unnatural. Find out if the photographed have any expectations.

Inexperience. You photograph people who are not models, so they often don't know how to act in front of the camera. It causes embarrassment. After two poses, they begin to lack an idea what position to take, arrange their arms and legs. Guide them by communicating with them. The person portrayed is a diamond. Your communication with her is a finishing touch. If you take more photos without telling what the person looks like and whether they are doing well, they will start to have an internal dialogue themselves, assuming something is wrong. Conduct by saying that she looks good, takes poses great, and gives real compliments and flattery for the orders she has performed. To loosen up the atmosphere, first take pictures with the assumption that nothing will come of them. Focus more on managing your emotions rather than composition, lighting, etc.

Position. The position of the upper body (torso, arms, head) is often determined by the bottom, i.e. the position legs. The upper body and lower body live in symbiosis with each other, reinforcing each other. Don't skip bottom. This is where you can place additional layers of grace, subtlety or self-confidence and domination. The wide leg is an expression of stability, the jump contains energy, dignity always likes pinched shoulder blades and a straight back. Non-verbal expression of emotions in combined with matched facial expressions, they create a complete portrait. Joy. Draw it when shooting. Stay relaxed. It will automatically start give to the person on the other side of the camera.

Background. Man is the most important. However, the human eye, when analyzing an image, analyzes it fully. This that is, if 70% of the photo is a person, and 30% a messy room, the background influences the assessment characters. Instead of unfavorable background or nothing expressive use nature. For example: blooming trees in the orchard, garden, park. Interior design: winding and decorative handrails on the cage. Architecture: cast forms of building facades or an often underestimated fragment of an apartment. A white face that automatically highlights the figure.

Time. It works to your disadvantage if the person portrayed starts to feel more and more lost. Your nervousness is even worse if you set the light in her presence, choose the background, you make nervous movements, wondering what to do or expressing your concerns loudly.

The situation applies to both the studio and the open air. Before you expect something from the person in front with the camera, find out what you want and how to get it. You don't need to do that presence of the portrayed person if you have an individual idea for the session. You want to get good effects? Always prepare yourself substantively before the pictures, and then understand it clearly and calmly communicate.

Lighting. If strong sunlight falls on the person's face, then automatically frowns. For starters, choose places with diffused light. Another advantage is controlling the environment. You will not be surprised by a sudden change in lighting and the need to adjust the camera settings or the forced change in the facial expressions of the subject.